Seattle University quad and fountain looking north

Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies, BA

Explore Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Seattle U and gain expertise in intersectional analysis and social justice for diverse and impactful career paths.

About this Program

In-Depth Knowledge and Practical Skills to Work for Social Transformation

Our interdisciplinary, intersectional and international program challenges you academically, personally and politically to actively promote social justice and social transformation.

Our courses:

  • examine individuals in society from multiple perspectives and disciplines.
  • evaluate and apply theories and methods to complex social questions, issues and public policies.
  • analyze scholarship and research on political movements.
  • probe the historical roots of intersecting oppressive forces of gender, sexuality, race, class, and ethnicity.

When you study women, gender, and sexualities, you put your intellect and your expertise to work outside the classroom, the library and the lab.

We offer you plenty of chances to get out there and make change—internships, community engagement, research with faculty, and creative projects.

Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies at a Glance

Learn how this degree from the Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program will contribute to your career goals. Then, explore course requirements and see how impactful a Seattle University undergraduate degree can be.

You will study the pedagogy of feminist, gender, and sexuality studies, rooted in important and innovative research, rigorously challenges cultural assumptions about multiple forms of gender and sexual difference as constructed by culture and history. We also address global and transnational feminist and queer movements, the historical roots of gender-based inequality, hierarchies of knowledge; queer social and political movements, the ethical and theological foundations of gender and human rights, and intersecting oppressive forces of race, sexuality, class, and colonialism.

A major or minor in women, gender and sexuality studies provides an open intellectual environment in which to study the historical, social, and political experiences of women and the complex dynamics of gender and sexuality.

On successful completion of this program, you will be able to:

  1. apply a variety of critical feminist theories or methodologies to research questions or social problems, analyze the complex relationship between theory and practice, analyze how genders and sexualities are socially constructed, analyze intersecting structures of power and oppression 
  2. envision intersectional alternatives to prevailing systems of power

The interdisciplinary field of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies focuses on the social construction of gender and sexuality as a crucial category for understanding the world. It is constructed to help you explore the contributions and roles of all people in societies across time. It also teaches you to understand how other aspects of social identity and power are related to gender and sexuality.

A minor in LGBTQ studies is made to complement your major in a variety of fields and will help you effectively work with and advocate for issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. It is a way for you to learn about the intellectual, cultural and political experiences and knowledge of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer-identified individuals and groups. After you complete this minor in 30 credits, you should have a clear understanding of the many different ways sexuality was organized and is currently organized. You’ll also gain a better understanding of the ways in which sexuality intersects with other categories of identity and practice.

On successful completion of this program, you will be able to:

  • analyze the complex relationship between theory and practice analyze how genders and sexualities are socially constructed, envision intersectional alternatives to prevailing systems of power.

If you’re planning on attending law school in the future, consider our Bachelor/JD Accelerated 3+3 Program. This degree plan allows you to finish both a law degree and a bachelor’s degree in six years. For more information, visit the Bachelor/JD Accelerated 3+3 Program Admission page.

What You’ll Learn

Learn about the classes you’ll take as a student here.

Support for Your Development

A information session at Seattle University

Pathways to Professional Formation

The College of Arts & Sciences is committed to helping you through your lifetime journey of professional formation and discernment. We offer opportunities to deepen and broaden your understanding of your professional identity.

Student sitting during an adivising session

Arts and Sciences Advising Center

Our advising center is dedicated to your holistic academic and professional through academic advising and promotion of academic excellence. We work to solve problems, provide navigational guidance and build connections.

Seattle University Undergraduate Research Journal

Seattle University Undergraduate Research Journal

This peer-reviewed online publication provides space for you to publish your research. Publication can help you prepare for advanced studies at top graduate programs or demonstrate knowledge and skills when applying for non-academic positions.

Prepared for Careers in a Variety of Fields

Discover the many industries and types of positions our graduates work in.

  • Education Fulbright Scholar
  • AmeriCorps
  • Event and Communication Specialist for the Research Commons, University of Washington Libraries
  • Recruiter and Academic Advisor for the College Assistance Migrant Program, University of Washington
  • Academic Administrative Specialist, Office of the Provost, Seattle University
  • Program Manager, Educator, Learning and Development, Communications, St. Joseph School Seattle
  • School Counselor, Tacoma Public Schools

Internships That Make a Difference

Apply your knowledge of women, gender, and sexualities to what matters outside the classroom through the Internship Program.

You will work with the internship coordinator to identify an internship that complements your interests. You will earn course credits by interning, under professional supervision, at one of a wide range of organizations in the Seattle area, including museums, academic societies, activist groups, and community service organizations.

As an intern, you will have a chance to apply your academic training to real world problems. Your experience will open doors to both professional employment and graduate school.

Featured Faculty

The women, gender, and sexuality studies program faculty come from a variety of academic disciplines

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